‘To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you,’ Tony Dorsett.
Are you feeling a bit melancholy? Are you seeking motivation? These super cute quotes will help transform your mindset.
Why not get art quotes on canvas and enjoy them every day and ensure you never get in a slump again?
Whether you create a wall display of nine 30x30cm different prints or choose a favourite and print it at a super sized 2mx2m (we’ve confirmed how encouraging large wall art is), inviting inspiration into your home is bound to turn that frown upside down.
‘Inspiration propels a person from apathy to possibility, and transforms the way we perceive our own capabilities,’ reports Why Inspiration Matters.
Even better, we’ve got something below for all members of the family, so get together and find what speaks to each of you.
1. Be awesome
Wake up to this super happy, fun, colourful quote every morning. It will make getting out of bed that little bit easier and inspire you to be your most awesome, no matter what kind of day lies ahead.
2. I need a hero
Often we look outside ourselves for mentorship, guidance and support. This quote reminds us to look inwards and find the hero waiting to be born or acknowledged. As a bonus, this makes a terrific gift for that inspiring female in your life.
3. Time to dance
Remind yourself of what’s important with this classy and rather profound quote. In a funk? Give this cute quote a go. Tip: this inspirational quote looks terrific in monochromatic decor.

FUNK IT UP: Get into the habit of turning things around with this stylish Dance In The Rain wall print.
4. When love is forever
Let the love of your life (even if it’s a pet) know you truly care with a precious quote and a wonderful “just because” gift idea. This has got to be one of the cutest quotes of all time. Here are more romantic art ideas to celebrate your love.
5. So shiny
In life, you’ve got to take the good with the bad. This hip art print is not about kowtowing to doom and gloom, but more knowing that there is light after darkness. And therefore always hope.
‘Inspiration is a motivational state that compels individuals to bring ideas into fruition,’ The Scientific Study of Inspiration in the Creative Process.

HOPEFUL: Stars Can’t Shine is a perfect message for any age, but the modish design is ideal for a young person’s home or bedroom.
6. Embrace your inner child
This comforting art print will motivate you to take your teddy bear out of his hiding place and give him pride of place out in the open once more. The privacy of your own home is a wonderful place to nurture a childlike spirit with this cute quote.

WONDER YEARS: Channel your own version of Peter Pan with this Never Grow Up print, great for kids aged 8 to 88!
7. Good vibes
Tell it like it is with this straight to the point wall quote. Leave your negativity at the door. It’s not welcome here.
8. You’ve got to believe
Ideal for the home or workplace office, this cute quote is about placing bets on yourself and that much needed self belief. Start believing because it can’t hurt.

IMAGINE: Self-belief is a big part of fulfilling your dreams and this Believe In Yourself wall quote will give you the boost you need.
9. Believe you can
A more succinct version of the cute quote above, this wall art is perfect for girls and women who need a boost of confidence. Imagining this in your daughter’s room already? Makes complete sense. Every girl and woman needs to believe in herself. Start today.

BIG AMBITIONS: Girls can do anything and this She Believed She Could quote inspires that confident mindset.
10. You are not your body
This clever play on words is an example of girl power in all its glory summed up in one cute quote. Smash the patriarchy with this gift for a girl.
11. Boys can do anything too
Motivate your young son, nephew or grandson to reach for the stars with this exciting quote, ideal for a boy’s bedroom (or anyone’s, really). Launch that self believe in any young person today. Up, up and away!
12. Put a smile on your dial
Life is a rollercoaster and we all have our share of dramas that challenge us. This cute quote is for those who experience more than their fair share as well as a courageous reminder to keep smiling even when it feels like the whole world is against you.
‘…Well-structured messages that use strong imagery and appeal to our aspirational nature can be meaningful and powerful in changing our thinking and helping us see something in ourselves that we want to change or overcome, Fader says. That’s one of the main reasons they’re passed on for generations,’ as reported in FastCompany about the Science Behind Why Inspirational Quotes Motivate Us. Get your cute quote to pass on to the next generation.