Are you looking forward to starting your new year off right with uplifting sayings and a few inspirational quotes? There is no reason why you can’t make this year one that you’ll never forget and achieve all those goals that you have your heart set on.
There’s a time for reflection but this isn’t it! The new year is the time to think about your future and set it up to be the best it can possibly be. Whether you’re looking for a year of more ideas and art quotes, more happiness or more peace, make it happen by surrounding yourself with these uplifting quotes.
These 13 art quotes will help you welcome in a shiny, inspirational new year. Bring it!
1. Let it go
Not every day is going to be a great day. Some may be filled with negativity and trials causing you anger or sadness or perhaps even boredom. The trick is to not hold onto the negative stuff by letting it go as much as you can. This then makes way for all the juicy, wonderful stuff that life has to offer.
Whatever goes, let it go.
2. Rainbows and stars
There is an inspirational saying made famous by Monty Python, ‘always look on the bright side of life.’ It’s often easier said than done but if you are going to try to remain positive and find the brightness in life, why not do it with colour?
Searching for more inspiration? Try favourite office walls.

BRIGHT: Bring love and light to a room with Rainbows And Stars, a colourful addition to your interior decor.
3. Broken crayons
Perhaps last year was a little tough on you and things aren’t panning out the way you’d expect. Are you feeling a bit broken? It doesn’t have to render you completely useless and you can still squeeze some joy out of life with some uplifting quotes. Bring brightness into your home with rainbow goodness.
4. Believe in yourself
Are you hungry for a new challenge this year? Are you pumped up and ready to go with that Tony Robbins vibe? Now is the perfect time to surround yourself with uplifting quotes and positive inspiration to remind you that you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to and achieve the success you desire. This treasured art quote is perfect for some office wall art.
5. I am me
Even science has now conceded that positive self affirmations work wonders to calm your nerves and boost your performance. It’s great to have a reminder that you are enough, right where you can see it all the time. Take a look at your visual reminder every day with this work of inspiration art.
6. Life is like a camera
For the ultimate words of wisdom look no further. If you’re keen to focus on achieving a particular goal this year, learn from your past mistakes and keep on keeping on. Science has revealed that making mistakes are absolutely crucial to learning and that trying again is the key to resilience and success. How will you keep that in mind next time a mistake crops up?

BEST SHOT: One for the photographer in all of us, Life Is Like A Camera provides a thoughtful reminder.
7. Be happy today
Right now, take a moment to decide what kind of year you want to have. Choose to be happy and the rest will follow! Check out more quotes about happiness now.
8. Shoot for the stars
The life changing message behind this inspirational quote is that whether you take big steps or incremental steps toward your dreams, the idea is to at least take the steps. Moving forward is how goals and dreams are achieved, not by standing still.

AIM HIGH: This Shoot For The Stars art print is a gorgeous piece for a child’s room (or the child in all of us).
9. A reason to smile
Smiling is so inherently human that it even begins in the womb and it’s evolutionarily contagious. There is even a heap of research to indicate the mere act of smiling (whether you feel like it or not) will increase our happiness. Find it in your heart to smile. There’s always a reason.
10. Weathering the storm
Be brave and move forward with confidence in your life. When things get tough, just adjust your sails. A wonderful art quote for a retreat space in your home, a yoga studio or anywhere that brings you inspiration.

HOLD STRONG: Weathering The Storm is the perfect, profound quote for a bachelorette pad. You got this girl!
11. Love is life
Ghandi taught us the sheer power of love. Love is a universal emotion that helps us thrive as humans. Whether we discover love in another, an animal or a moment, it’s the one thing that enriches our time on Earth. Consciously seek out love everywhere you go and bring this loving inspirationl quote home to a wall near you.
12. Find a rainbow
One of life’s visual treasures is the sight of a rainbow. When it pokes through the sky with its array of colours, it can take your breath away. The fleeting spectacle of the rainbow reminds us to appreciate every moment and that after the rain, comes beauty. Look out for the rainbows.
13. Be happy
There is something to be said for keeping it simple. Remember why you choose to do what you do in life, whether it be at home, at the office, in your social life or what have you. Be happy with this inspirational print and update your office or workplace today.

LET LIGHT IN: This simple yet colourful Be Happy office print will brighten an office space with a message we should never forget.
If you truly want to own this year, consider updating your home decor with a wide range of uplifting quotes and bubbly, happy prints.